Thursday, November 25, 2010


This is the Friday edition of my days of the week post. Obviously I made an error in my last post when I said that my school day on Thursday was identical to my school day on Thursday. What I meant to say was that Thursday was like Tuesday but that is not quite true either. I have the same number of classes at the same time but Instead of grade five and six I teach grade three and four on Thursday. Friday is grade three and four again but has a different schedule. All four classes are in the morning in a straight shot so all the lessons are done by lunch. I don’t know why Friday is different and neither does Moon but I am sure somewhere it makes sense, probably for the homeroom teachers. For the rest of the school day it’s pretty much planning for next week.

As for the average Friday night there really isn’t such a thing. Our weekends are almost always filled up with some event or trip. Last Friday was a Chinese culture festival down at the new Mokpo waterfront (which is called ‘Peace Park’). We headed down and saw some singing, dancing, a noodle eating contest and a fashion show but unfortunately missed the kung fu demonstration. After that we headed to the Munich Ice Bar which is the spot that serves the beer in ice mugs. The ice actually comes in a plastic setting with a handle and there is a plastic sleeve inside so your beer stays cold but doesn’t leak out and the handle doesn’t melt away. I hit the target and won a free beer and Jason and Shelby both won themselves a sweet orange juice. This Friday Laura is headed to Gwangju with a gaggle of other Mokpo ladies to partake in some shopping and spa time. I haven’t made plans yet but perhaps the Mokpo men can find something as fun maybe screen golf or riding tiny motorcycles at the peace park. Something Korean men do is eat raw octopi straight from the tank, just wring them out so they are dead and then slurp them down. Mmmm!

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